Saturday, April 21, 2007


Today I had lunch with American Association of University Women (North Carolina chapter). It was a delight to meet these women whose organization had honored me last fall with their Juvenile Literature Award.

The AAUW is a national organization committed to "equity for women, life-long learning, and positive societal change". (since 1881!) It appears that only the North Carolina chapter sponsors a juvenile literature award. They began administering the award in 1953, working in conjunction with the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association which reviews and selects the books. You can see previous winners here. Do you like my lovely pewter cup? It sits on my desk where I can enjoy it everyday!

One of the unexpected benefits of being at this luncheon was hearing and meeting the guest speaker, Jane Stephenson, a lovely, gracious woman who founded a unique program called the New Opportunity School for Women.

The New Opportunity School helps Appalachian women reach beyond their present circumstances. For three weeks the select group of women live at a small college where they receive job training, learn computer skills, develop a resume, get health care, a makeover and so much more! Oh, why am I trying to explain it when Oprah Winfrey can do it so much better? As you’ll see in this link Jane was one of Oprah’s “Use Your Life Award” winners – which gave a huge boost to The New Opportunity School.

The AAUW was fortunate to have Jane as their speaker and I was lucky to be there too!

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