Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I have an amazing copyeditor, Katya, who looks after the details. I also have the pageproofs for Comfort in hand. Katya was fact-checking and came up with a few hard questions regarding the timing of the announcement of the bombing of Nagasaki.

I have a really busy week and barely have time to read the pageproofs and she throws this question at me! Suddenly my whole day is consumed with tracking down the info to make my story accurate. (Writing, workshop prep, unpacking from a trip, and a visit to my mom all went out the window!)

I knew I needed to make a trip to the library to read old newspapers on microfilm. I wanted to get on with other things. But the minute I was on the highway, heading toward the library, imagining myself in front of the microfilm machine my adrenaline was pumping.

I love old newspapers! I love my copyeditor too.


  1. Did you find what you were looking for in those old newspapers?

    It sounds like you handled the unexpected change of plans well and maybe enjoyed it too.

  2. yeah,I wanted to know if you found it too! Carol

  3. For those of you who are wondering - I found what I was looking for - most of it anyway.

  4. Oh, I'm soooo with you! That is so exhilarating! I can't let those questions rest. Sometimes I'll stop in the middle of my draft and spend a whole day hunting down something as trivial as the brand-name of a stove in the 1850s.

    I'm glad you found it,too!
