Friday, June 19, 2009

IN SEARCH OF BUCK CREEK (For my work-in-progress)

Photo: Compliments of Friends Historical Collection

I am in search of an old CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) camp called Buck Creek. It's not actually in existence anymore. (Which, incidentally, makes it a difficult to find.) I've made phone calls. I've driven to the area twice. And found the creek itself.And this sign at Buck Creek Campground. I even found CCC campground but apparently CCC does not stand for Civilian Conservation Corps - the C's are for three brothers. Oh, man!

I asked an old-timer at a convenience store who pointed me in the right direction. When I came to the appropriate road I saw a senior citizen checking his mailbox. He directed me much further up the road than I expected.

His directions seemed to be working out perfectly. And then voila - guess who I bumped into? A forest ranger - working in a garden by the side of the road. I recognized the uniform and screeeech! I stopped.

He told me where to turn and about how far to go before I found the ruins. I found this sign holder and wondered - it seemed so 30's or 40's. But it didn't seem to fit with the ranger's description. So I followed this road instead.

And found these rocks. Hmmmm - I wasn't convinced there were enough ruins here. Or even enough space for all the buildings I'd seen on pics. So I drove on up the mountain road past this kudzu waiting to leaf out. I bet it's looking really spooky now that warm weather has come.

I'll find out today. Chuck and I are going back to the spot where I stopped last time. I was in school visit attire at the time. And hubby was home thinking I was coming home. It was hard to leave because this path at the end of the road looked so inviting. And promising too. I'm not saying that post on the left is the same one. It might even look a little different. In fact, it all looks different. But after 70 years what do you expect?
Personally, I expect it all to be waiting there for me just as it was. But either way - I'm going back.

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