Thursday, May 8, 2008

West Fallowfield Christian School

Last month I visited West Fallowfield Christian School in PA. This week my hostess Kathly Beiler, sent a photo of me with her STEP class of students.

When I got there, Kathy showed me a wall filled with stories that illustrate various scenes in my book, BLUE. There were other student-made artifacts - an adorable diorama, and a beautiful new book cover design, a poster with info about diseases and another one about World War II. One student had sketched a beautiful family portrait of the Honeycutts. Oh, and did I mention the raps based on BLUE that several students had written and performed for me!? So fun! These retellings always blow me away because they convey how real my story has become to readers.

I owe a huge thank you to Tucker, the seventh grader who already knows more about computers than I'll ever learn! For some reason, my laptop and the projector at the school were not on speaking terms. Big lesson learned? Develop a backup plan that is just as fascinating as Plan A!

Hannah had cash in her pocket for book buying. But she wasn’t about to let it go to an unworthy cause. She loves mystery and adventure and wondered whether Healing Water would fit the bill. Finally, after quizzing me (and still not being convinced) she said, “I know! I’ll read the first page!” So she did.

And then (whew!) she handed over the money. I sure hope she likes it!


  1. Fabulous! What a neat bunch of kids! And I love it...just goes to show that the first page is important, the potentially make-or-break piece of your book. And you've got it, babe!

  2. I like the new header w/picture! How cool to include the kindred spirits mailbox. Very hip!

  3. Hip? You mean I'm really hip??? Wow! Thanks.

  4. Really hip indeed! You're very close to the apex of hip...

  5. I like the mailbox pic too. I think this is a cool thing. I can't wait to do my first book festival in August - I'll be in Decatur (GA) for their book festival. - I'm so ready - lol patience, patience, it will be here soon.

    Lots of fun though - E :)

  6. Thanks, Elysabeth!

    I hope you enjoy the festival! Fun stuff!
