Saturday, April 25, 2009

ONCE UPON A DIME: (This is a book giveaway)

Vintage March of Dimes poster given me by the family of one of my experts, a wonderful physiotherapist who worked with polio patients.

Once upon a time, the March of Dimes fundraising campaign was held for 2 weeks in January. It culminated on Franklin D. Roosevelt's birthday (Jan. 30) with Birthday Balls in cities across the nation.

After all, FDR was the man who inspired this organization. It was called the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis until Eddie Cantor, a radio comedian, got the idea to ask children across America to send a dime to the President. Cantor called it the March of Dimes.

Within days, the White House mailroom was overwhelmed with dimes (268,000.00 worth)! Official White House mail got lost in the morass of dimes. I don't think the MOD repeated that exact scenario again! But it did collect money in hundreds of creative ways which constitute an amazing heartwarming story.

For decades, the MOD funded polio related needs: hospital care, crtuches, iron lungs, and vaccine research. By 1955 we had a vaccine!

There'd always been people who felt that the MOD money should help with other causes. So, after the vaccine, March of Dimes changed its focus. Since 1958 it has benefitted babies with birth defects. And somewhere along the way, the campaign switched to April.
MOD is a tremendous organization as any family who has had a baby with special medical needs will tell you! But this year in "this economy" fundraising is down.

So, here's where I make good on the book giveaway. My new book, COMFORT, the sequel to BLUE is hot off the press. And I want to give a copy to you. Here's how you can get it.

1. Participate in the March of Dimes (suggested donation - 10.00). (This would be a great time for me to be Neil Gaimen, Cynthia Lord, or Laurie Halse Anderson - think how much money we could raise! )
2. Leave me a comment, telling me that you contributed. (I don't need to know the amount, but feel free to share stories.)
3. Link to this post or copy the contents into your blog. (If you don't blog, send out emails with this blog address.)

Since April is practically over, I'm going to give this contest 2 weeks. On May 9, I'll pull a name out of my comment reservoir and announce a winner. I hope your name is on the list!

How you can contribute to the March of Dimes
a. Join a Walk for Dimes event.
b. Sponsor someone who is particpating in a Walk for Dimes.
c. Drop money into a jar at your local bank.
d. Buy a few of those March of Dimes stuffed animal babies offered at your bank.
e. Click here to donate online.

Four Billion Dimes by Victor Cohn

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